Saturday, March 28, 2009

"One" by Kathryn Otoshi

About a month ago, one of my kids picked out a book called "One" by Kathryn Otoshi. I flipped through the beginning of the book and thought it was a book celebrating the differences of people. We brought it home and read it - I was in awe.

It's a beautifully simple book about the color blue and how he's happy being blue until red comes along and tells hims "red is hot, blue is not" and blue feels bad. the other colors whisper to him that everything's ok, but no one stands up to red. Then the number 1 comes along and stands up to red and says "NO". Then the other colors stand up to red and blue befriends him - they all turn into numbers. the message of the book is "it just takes one".

I had chills when I read it because I remember being blue (and I also remember sometimes being red)...and now one of my daughters is having some trouble adjusting to other personalities in school. Thank you & kudos Kathryn Otoshi - you gave me a great tool to help my kids to gain the courage to stand up for their beliefs and what they want.

I recomend this book not just to people with children, but to everyone. Because sometimes we all have a little red in us and we need to keep in mind that there is going to be someone that is a little blue.

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