Once people learn that I have small children, the first question asked is "how do they handle you working weddings?". I always answer that they were born into the business and don't know anything else! I owned my wedding businesses before I was pregnant with my oldest, I worked up until 3 weeks before I had Alexandra (yes, I was a house!) and 2 weeks before I had Evanthea. See, they chose the busiest time to be born for the children of a wedding vendor...Alexandra was born in May and Evanthea was born in September! ;)
Birthdays are huge to little kids and I don't take that away from mine. They get their fun themed parties, family time, special dinners, and (of course) presents!! It's just sometimes we have to schedule around Mommy's weddings!!
Every year they pick out their own theme of party. This year, Evanthea chose Wizard of Oz

Here she is at birth!
I think this is my favorite photo. Ever. Evanthea was crying (we know now that her food allergies and other health issues started at birth) and her big sister (16 month old Alexandra) wanted to help sooth her. Alexandra only knew that Elmo made her feel better...so she brought her baby a small Elmo to make her feel better!
Here's Evanthea with Elmo

On her actual birthday, we spent the day at the mall...here she is lamenting the fact that her sister is at school and she's not...