What a spectacular day today! The beautiful sun. poofy clouds - fabulous! Perfect weather for an outdoor fall themed wedding!! Rosie & Orion chose this day (I'm a little partial to the favoritism of the day - see previous post!) to get married
I get so excited when I see my name on a table card - even more excited when it's on a Lenox favor! How cool is this?Remember the line from Princess Bride when the grandfather said there were few kisses as true as this one? Well, I think this kiss tops it! See? My couples always eat!! Even if I did have to help serve Rosie! Orion's backyard had a bamboo garden - we were thrilled with that! Who would have thought bamboo can grow in CT?!! Full props going out to Dave Field, my second shooter! His idea on the (now known as) Mini shot! Love it! Orion - here's your reflection shot!! The best wedding (in my opinion) because they served cotton candy!! The best part was I got to take some home (thanks Connor!)!!! What an awesome idea! No really, this is Orion's backyard! Who else can say they got an underdog from their sister on their wedding day? LOL! I'm not sure many would admit to it if they did...but I've got the proof here!! I was told that Mom might get emotional! :) These are the looks I LOVE! It doesn't get better than this! Love you guys! Thank you for having us a part of your amazing day!
Four years ago today, my little girl was born! Evanthea rushed into the world (no really, she couldn't wait for the doctor to deliver her!) and has been going since! I know this princess is going places because of everything she has had to overcome in her four years. Happy Birthday, baby!!
Here she is now at 4:
Here she is fresh home from the hospital! I think she's less than a week old. One of my favorite photos of her
Here is her first birthday! Her sister wanted to have a tea party to celebrate so we made little cupcakes and drank tea (water)!Here she was at age 2 - I was changing her diapers and fell in love with the light on her angelic eyes. This photo made the HOT list on jpg magazine's Her second birthday treat was going on the carousel for the first time!The next two were from her Doodlebops birthday party - she was DeeDee Doodle! This was her 3rd birthday Her 3rd birthday (last year), I took her to the mall for a special "girls' day out". we went to Build A Bear, Libby Lu, and the bookstore. Can you tell she's not used to not having her sister around? :)Happy Birthday to my little sweetie!! Here's to many many more!! Daddy, Sissy & I love you!
Normally, I don't post photo booth links...but with this crowd...I was even more reluctant! LOL! If you were there, you would know...boy would you know! Here's the link to Rachel & Ray's photo booth shots...they are password protected to protect the guilty...if you need the password, please contact Rachel or Ray! Enjoy...
What a fun day today with Alexa & Pete! I love it when couples accept "just trust me, it'll look cool" - here are a lot of those moments from today!These two have so much passion between them, it was wonderful to photograph!
Love this shot - we're always there to lend a helping hand! We love the Marilyn Monroe series! And we really love silly groomsmen and best men!! Congratulations, Alexa & Pete!!