Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up" part two

I started a post at the beginning of the summer where I was reflecting on what I wanted to be when I grew up. Here's that post, but to sum it up: I wanted to be an author that did my own illustrations and photographs because I figured no one can do exactly what I wanted - and I couldn't see paying someone else to do what I could!

The first post showcased my art work: pencil drawings, paintings, pen and ink sketches. This one is more photographs.

My favorite place to photograph was my favorite place to visit - the beach.

I was fascinated by the light and how nature could create something so perfect - even a broken shell. This photo was taken around 1985 (I was 13)

Clouds and sky fascinated me - the ever changing patterns and colors.
Nov 1984 this next one is stamped. I thought at first glance (color) this was one of my developing but I couldn't stamp like that! LOL!
Even at a young age I loved sun flare! Not much has changed!!
This photo is circa 1983 (I was 11) - if you sort through any of my beach pics, you'll see about the same scene - one of my favorites!
The elusive orb of Old Lyme! If you're on Facebook, you'll get the humor. If not, this photo was taken when I was 11 - I was using a 35mm SLR film camera with no flash (how did I know no flash? Because I didn't want to learn how to use flash...stubborn streak! LOL!). What's that white spot? See this photo from an engagement session 20+ years later and see the same thing, same spot, different angle. You tell me what it is!
These were some of my finest photographs from middle school - there were many more! The next in the series was when I wanted to be a sports photographer!

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