Saturday, July 31, 2010

Marie & Jeremy's wedding day teasers

Yes, it's true...I turned down Chelsea Clinton's wedding because I was already booked! Marie & Jeremy had us booked over a year and a half ago! Sorry! ;)

But we had an amazing day today! It was low key, Marie sent the paparazzi up to NY so they would leave CT alone...and it worked!

We can't continue without a big fat HOLLA for Table 10 that welcomed Jess and I into the "cool kids" table! Thanks for the fun dinner time! and yes, my camera does have video....and yes, there are about 5 videos! ;)

Marie made sure to update her status before she left this morning!

And a fantastic surprise! A rainbow! Actually, not a rainbow because it didn't really rain...but one of those anomalies that happen where we see a prism of light?
Jeremy's Mustang(s) was the center of the theme of the wedding...this is Mustang #1
I love this shot Jess caught! Great idea, Jess! (Red Mustang is Jeremy's too!)

Ceremony - St. Stanislaus Church, Meriden, CT
Reception Site - Augusta Curtis Cultural Center, Meriden, CT
Caterer - Carriage House, Meriden, CT

One of my fav shots!

Another fav - I think someone should have taken a pic of Jess and I and how we got this shot! Shhh!

Here we have Ford's next commercial! Love it!!

The limo driver is Murphy the dog?? What???

Jess and I went out to check the lighting around the string of Mustangs ... and ended up with this cool shot! (yes, that's us!)

What's "Time of My Life" without THE lift? ;)

Congratulations, Marie & Jeremy!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Contest

Every time Jess and I go on a shoot, we discuss the fact that we should do a challenge (alphabet, monochromatic, single theme). But that's just it...we discuss it, we never decide.

I think I'm going to leave it up to our fans and readers! What challenge would you like to see? Alphabet (like I did in Las Vegas), Monochromatic (where we shoot entirely in one color - no Photoshopping!), single theme (rain drops, mirror reflections, etc), locations (beach, front yard, playground, vehicle), objects (lawn ornaments, angels, angles, shoes). Any other ideas? We want your input!

I know what you're thinking - "what's in it for me?" obviously don't know me that well! PRIZES are in it for you!! I'll throw in a free session to the winner (or the equivalent towards a wedding package) - what do you think about that? Maybe some more prizes if I can get the troops moving!

YOU chose the theme
WE shoot
YOU vote
YOU win

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Andrea & Pat's Wedding Day teasers

Congratulations Andrea & Pat! Congratulations on getting married and congratulations on surviving a typical New England storm! :)

Just as Jessica & I arrived at Andrea's parents' house...thunder started. After we walked in the door - torrential downpours, thunder, lightning...and power outage at the church!

As you can see, Andrea kept her eye on the prize! She was so caught up in her joy that she wasn't daunted by the power!

One of my favorite ring shots! Shot at the gazebo
We thought the church was going to be in candle-light...well, this was the candle! LOL! It was romantic AND hot! ;)

These two are so sweet together - I love it when their emotions just pour through the camera!!

This was Andrea's other "bouquet" at the church! ;)

Jess & I sat at THE BEST far! Our server knew all of our names...don't ask me to repeat any more than Juleen, Michael, Tony, Dan the DJ....still, we had fun with the "cool kids" table! Thanks for welcoming us!

One of my favorite shots

Congratulations, Andrea & Pat!