I can joke about it now because they are all home safe and sound...but here's the story!
At Rich & Becky's wedding, I dropped one of my cameras with my favorite wide angle lens. Yes, it dropped...not in the cushy grass, but on the hard blacktop of the church parking lot...before the ceremony. I picked it up, found it to still be working, and ran in to the church. The first shot I went to take...boom...nothing. So I switched the lens onto one of my backup cameras (did I mention that I typically shoot weddings with 3-4 camera bodies?) - nothing. Fortunately, my assistant shoots Canon and had his wide angle lens on his camera so we switched - disaster diverted! we made it through the night.
I download the photos from Rich and Becky's wedding and find this:
My camera went down swinging! I am so proud of it that it reached out, grasped its dying shot and took one last establishing shot! This photo brought a tear to my eye, my camera was working for the greater good - for the chance to get that shot!
Next was the true test - how will my insurance handle me doing something so silly as dropping a camera. WOW - like a charm! I use The Hartford through USAA - my adjuster was fantastic! She immediately authorized the repairs, a rental of the same camera and lens, and overnight shipping so I wouldn't have any disruptions. Wow! wish my health insurance was this good! :) And yes, I did meet my deductible and still was able to get money reimbursed!
My camera and lens are home safe and sound with all new parts and ready to rock and roll at the next wedding!
My lesson learned - buy a Camera Slinger (just came in today!) and lock the car door with a free hand! :)
Have a great weekend!