Our new topic is optical illusions. Evanthea (my 5 year old) and I poured over photo after photo - she begged me for more after figuring it out. It's no surprise - her favorite artist is Salvadore Dali and she wants to be a photographer (and a dentist...practical idea, if you ask me).
I mentioned to them that I thought it would be cool if we tried to do the Rubin's vase photo with the two of them. They really wanted to try. I explained it would be hard to do - they were willing to sit still to get it right. We came close (photo above) - I still want to try it again when we have time to slick their hair down and get it right...but I believe things happen for a reason - we were destined to do that photo shoot because I got my favorite shot of them as sisters (see next photo)!

1 comment:
LOL Your kids are a riot, and so stinkin' SMART! Love it, love all the pics!!! Love the need to scowl for proper vaseface. hahahaha
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